
Festival Necklace DIY

by herlittlepromises

The festival season is upon us,so I decided to show you in this collab what
kind of necklace I would do by myself.


Mediterranean Walk

I spent a weekend surrounded by these beautiful views and I could not help taking a lot of photographs. Here are some of them...

Pasé un fin de semana rodeada de estas vistas tan bonitas y no pude evitar hacer un montón de fotos. Estas son algunas...


Smoothie Of Champions

by Michelle

With it being summer –at least where I live- and the sudden hype of getting fit and eating healthier, smoothie bowls have become the latest craze.


How To Deal With Summertime Sadness

I decided to name this post with 'sadness' because I feel like this is the most generic feeling these symptoms have in common. So, if you suffer from extreme boredom, Summertime depression, negativity or whatever that makes you feel bad and you need to change, this post is for you.


How To Organise Your Earrings DIY

I have so many earrings, but I always end up wearing the same ones. I seem to keep each pair in a different box. Or at least, I seemed to before I decided to think of a solution: an earring hanger made with my hands!

Cómo Organizar Tus Pendientes DIY

Tengo muchos pendientes, pero al final siempre me pongo los mismos. Parece que cada par lo tengo guardado en un sitio distinto porque nunca los encuentro antes de salir. O al menos, eso parecía antes de decidir buscar una solución: ¡una percha para pendientes hecha por mí misma!


'Good-bye Procrastination!' Free Printable

There are so many things that I want to do, but I always end up doing the same activities every day and forgetting about all of my ideas.


All About Our Last Photoshoot

I thought it would be pretty fun to tell you the story behind our last photoshoot, so here it goes...

Todo Sobre Nuestra Última Sesión De Fotos

Pensé que sería divertido contaros la historia detrás de nuestro última sesión de fotos, así que aquí viene...


6 Canciones Que Te Harán Sentirte Genial

¿Te ha pasado alguna vez que estabas en el coche con tus padres o tus amigos y pusieron una canción en la radio y, de repente, empezaste a sentir una especie de sensación maravillosa como de sentirte... vivo/a?

6 Songs That Will Instantly Make You Feel Amazing

Has it ever happened to you that you were in the car with your parents or your friends and this song suddently got played on the radio and you instantly felt this kind of infinity feeling? You know, that feeling alive and amazing kind...