
All About Our Last Photoshoot

I thought it would be pretty fun to tell you the story behind our last photoshoot, so here it goes...

We took these amazing photographs last Summer. They were taken in El Torcal, which is a beautiful place located in Malaga, Andalusia (Spain). It is formed by some absolutely stunning rocks making incredible forms. 

The Freearth team was the one to take the photographies. We didn't (unfortunately we still don't) own a good camera so we asked a friend for his and we borrowed it for a couple of days. The models were four friends from our village. Their names are Noelia, Sergio, Juan Antonio and Jeni, who only came to see but ended up getting photographed. (Shout out to them for helping out!) 

If you wonder why there aren't any pictures in which appear a boy and a girl, it is because they couldn't be together on the photoshoot due to their work horaries. The guys were photographed in the morning, while the girls were in the afternoon. For this last one, we decided we would take the pictures when the sun was going down. It was soooo beautiful. We actually had so much fun taking the photos, so did the models who had never done anything like that before. Noelia was also the model from our first photoshoot ever, so it was her 2nd time!

Here are some of the amazing photos we took. Do you like them? :-)


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