
'Good-bye Procrastination!' Free Printable

There are so many things that I want to do, but I always end up doing the same activities every day and forgetting about all of my ideas.
For example, I love reading, but sometimes I'm just so lazy that I prefer watching a Youtube video which is much faster and easier for me. Or meditating, I love it and I need it, but I just can't find those 10 minutes in my day.

I thought it would be much easier for us if we tracked every day's activities, so that we don't have to say anything like 'I'll start tomorrow' never again. I've tried it and it's soooo helpful.

This is the first printable I have ever made, so I'm sorry if it's not that good. :) I'm really planning to make lots more of these with different stuff such as planners, reading lists... If you would like me to do it, just comment below, please :-) 

Just click on the image, save it and print it. It's A5 size. Write on the box the activity you plan to do, for example: '30 mins running'

I hope you enjoy it :-) What are you going to use it for? xxx

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